Category: Teen

Teen Casting | Los Angeles

We are doing pre-screening to find talented interesting looking young actor with fighting skills to play one of the lead role in a 2011 Action feature film. Actor will play opposite to female lead (already cast – named teen actress). We would like to give opportunity to everybody who fit description without going to open… Read More »

Teen Cooking Show Seeks Teen Actor or Actress 11 to 15

Young Latino/African-American Actors/Actresses (11-15 years old) Needed for Tween Web Cooking Show Former Executive Producer for Sesame Street International is searching for three phenomenally talented young Latino and African American actors and actresses between the ages of 11 and 15 to star in a scripted Web cooking series for tweens. Compensation is $100 per episode.… Read More »


Dreamworks and Steven Spielberg are casting a child actor for a new big budget picture called “Real Steel”. Reel Steal stars Hugh Jackman as a promoter in a futuristic robot boxing industry. Dreamworks is giving an unknown child actor the opportunity of a lifetime to be cast in a lead role as Jackman’s son, Max.… Read More »