Disney Channel Auditions for Kids – Get the info

Looking for Disney Channel Auditions in 2024?

While this article has been up for sometime now, it seems that some of what I discuss below is still going strong and the companies involved have learned how to skate under the radar and cover their rears as to not get caught up in the legalities of it all.

Kids love Disney, that’s a fact. Disney Channel auditions and Disney movie auditions are a popular topic. I mean, which kid wouldn’t want to star alongside their favorite Disney Channel star? Kids love their Disney shows and many will look online for Disney auditions. But, not all is as it seems.  Audition is a loose word and it is often used in a manner that is meant to confuse and sometimes victimize people whose kids get really excited at its mention.

There are many shady companies that will take advantage and talk people into spending money they should not.  If you ended up on this page looking for more information to find out if that Disney Channel audition is legit, your gut instinct is most likely correct and that audition may not actually be a legit audition for Disney or the Disney Channel.

If you are reading this, you must have some concern, so read on…..

Now, this is a fairly long article and I do have a page that is shorter which covers the basic red flags of an acting scam.


A few points when dealing with kids looking for Disney auditions:

  • Actual Disney casting directors DO NOT charge upfront fees.
  • Disney does not advertise auditions on the radio or walk around malls and grocery stores looking for cute kids to put into a Disney movie.
  • Disney Channel is not in the business of selling classes, photos or convention services.
  • If you are asked for money, it is most likely a scam.
  • If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is not true.


The basics:

The best way to get an audition for the Disney Channel or a Disney movie is by working hard and getting a legitimate agent. Most auditions for Disney are not open calls. They are handled through agents. Why? you may ask. The answer is simple.

There are millions of kids, most of whom have at some point dreamed of being a Disney Channel star. If every character for a Disney show was cast through an audition that was open to the public, the casting directors would be bombarded with thousands, 10’s of thousands of kids and teens all looking for their big break. Most casting directors don’t have a way to handle 1000’s of kids in one day. The cost would be enormous and it would take weeks to get through that many people. … most of which probably don’t even fit the part. For that reason, casting directors depend on agents to send them talent that fits the role, has the experience, training and the talent.

So, for most Disney, or even Nickelodeon roles, you will need an agent….. a legitimate agent.

Legit agents do NOT charge talent, they pay them. An agent gets a percentage of the talent’s pay… once they have booked the role. So, a talent agent makes zero if the talent they have never gets a role. For that reason, agents are very selective in who the represent and usually talent must first prove that they are capable of doing the job. That is where the working hard part comes in. Most agents expect that talent comes to them with a resume. Getting things for your resume, for a kid, may not be as hard as you think. They will be looking for some experience and maybe some training. They need to know you can handle the pressure and do the job. So where can someone get experience?

All over. It could be the Christmas show at your church, school plays, community theaters, commercials for local businesses, student films and more. Now, you would not be getting paid for any of those but you will be learning and gaining valuable experience that you can list on a resume. Training is also helpful. Most community colleges and schools offer low cost classes. Those classes will also help you learn the ropes and maybe even make some great contacts. Since I am talking about classes…. beware of the scammers there as well. Fake agents know that we all know that agents should not be paid up front, therefore they go the route of… I will work with you… only if you pay $XXXX for these classes. The classes they offer are sub-par and may even hurt your resume as every talent agent knows who those people are. Before taking classes do your research. Make sure the person teaching is respected in their field. Classes usually cost a few hundred bucks per class, not thousands.

Once you get all that, then an agent may take a chance on you.  You may be naturally talented, but it doesn’t matter, you still need the training and experience. Talent is just one of the things you need, the others are commitment and passion for the art. Doing free gigs to build a resume goes a long way to proving that you ARE committed.

Disney Channel online auditions 2016

Now, many families, kids and teens believe there is some magical shortcut. Many have been led to believe that if they pay someone some money it will fast track them to Disney fame. People have come to believe that because there are countless FAKE agencies that are trying to convince them of that. These fakes approach people in malls, invite them to auditions which are nothing more than sales pitches and convince them that for 1000’s of dollars they will make their kid a star…. really? If it was just that easy, every other kid in America would be on Disney Channel.  See How to Spot a Modeling / Acting Scam for more on what to watch out for. Always remember that this is a job, an acting job, but a job none the less, which means THEY pay you for your work…. You do not pay them! In California it is not legal for an agent to ask talent for money to get the job so anyone doing that is not a REAL agent. If you are unsure if one is legit, ask for the license and check with the Union SAG / AFTRA to see if they are franchised.

Always remember that an agents job is getting THEIR talent booked which means they spend all day talking to production companies and casting directors about the talent they represent. Legit agents do not troll the malls and walmarts looking for “new faces”. Why would they? There are more kids than roles. Anyone approaching you anywhere about getting your kid into Disney Channel is not on the level.

OK, so until you get an agent…. how else can you try out for Disney? Once a year, the Disney Channel and Disney XD hold an open casting call. They have done this for over a decade and most have been at certain locations. This year, the Disney open auditions where actually held online and kids in every state could tryout without leaving their homes. The Disney open auditions are usually held in early summer and announce between May and July. See this years for more info on what to expect… Disney Channel & Disney XD Online Open Casting Call.

Also, every now and then Disney does a talent search to fill a role in an upcoming movie or commercial. Those happen a few times a year and no one can tell you when it will happen next. You just have to keep your eyes open. Such events DO NOT advertise. They will not appear on the radio. Those are listed through the casting directors.

Be sure to also read this page about those Disney auditions that you hear on the radio.

Hope all that helps and break a leg!

630 thoughts on “Disney Channel Auditions for Kids – Get the info

  1. Sofia

    Dear Disney,
    I would be over the moon if I could be in a T.V show. I have practiced. I go regularly to a acting school and a place called O.B.C.T for kids (acting group).

  2. Isadora

    Hi Disney,
    I’m Isadora Totonjian and I have waited for this since I was 3 years old. I hope you would accept me the be an actor!

  3. Maryumm randolph

    Hi my name is Maryam Randolph. I want to audition for Disney. Last time I auditioned I froze When I was reading the card the man give me. I was embarrassed but I want to try again if it’s OK with you and you don’t have to pick me but I would appreciate it if you did.

  4. Barak kiprono

    I’m Barak, I’m 14 years old and I have always wanted to be an actor. I’m short, black haired and I’m good at playing games. I am intrested in computers and even though I don’t have any agent or a website, I just fill that its kinda my thing. I will be looking forward.

  5. Skyiler

    Hi my name is Skyiler and I want to act on Disney Channel. I have black curly hair my eyes are brown and I don’t know what my height is. I was born Flexible and I want to act on Disney channel and please call me thank you bye.

  6. Katelyn Erickson

    Hi! I love Disney Chanel so much. It would be a dream come true if I could be in a show or movie! I’m amazing at singing, I’m pretty and I have passion so I’d be great for acting!

  7. Gabriella Schuldt

    I’m 13 years old. I live in Seattle Washington. I was adopted when I was 1 1/2 years old from Guatemala. I ride horses and help train them. My dream is to be an actress and stunt double.

    1. Gabriella Schuldt

      I’m 4 foot 11 and 1/2 I know short. I was on stage crew for my school play and I helped practice with the actors and then got a role in the play. I’m Latino and know a little bit of Spanish. I have dark brown hair and eyes that look hazel in the sun but look black in the shade. I used to dance ballet and hip hop I also did gymnastics.

  8. Liya

    I really want to be an actress my name is Liya. I am 10 and I am a good at singing and acting.

  9. Anjolaoluwa Rowlands

    Hi I am Anjola, mostly known as Anjie. I have always loved acting since when I was little, not because of the spotlight and all, but because of I want to see if I a Nigerian can be a Disney actress. It will motivate others to into the same thing so I pray you pick me so that I can motivate others.

  10. Rachel

    Hi my name is Rachel. I’m 9 years old. I have been practicing acting since I was 4. I know how to cry on set and get sad or depressed. I’m good at singing and I know how to dance. I can do anything you ask and I have green eyes and brown hair.

  11. Joy Messerschmidt

    Dear Disney Channel,

    My name is Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt.
    I have two green eyes that are far spaced yet small.
    I have black hair that is dyed purple-deepredtints through a rubber hairband click that was done witty by a friend.
    I have a middle sized forehead, and I Look about twelve years old but I am now in my thirties at thirty-one.
    I Look Like Elizabeth Taylor except the younger version.
    My breast size is cup A.
    I have two anus. One in the back poops, and one in the front pisses.
    I wear fashion clothes from GAP, Forever21, Coach, Theory11, Structure, Thomas Messerschmidt, and H&M.
    I am a quirky thinker who is futuristic. I am considered genius and Prodigy in many subjects.
    I made Harvard University by 2011.
    I can also sing and dance to the new music and new dances.
    After entry to higher education through Harvard’s Loony Bin in 2011 and success of a husband in a Dream that quickly faded. My parents put me through
    2009 to 2010 Le Moyne College entry and acceptance
    2011 Harvard Loony Bin Entry and acceptance
    2012 and 2013 Spaceship Operas and futuristic dance Plays by Estelle and Alfonso Dance Studios
    2014 New York Modeling Management, New York Models
    2016 James Pentaudi intergalactic music record Label Company “Albany Talent” Company
    2019 inzandromeda spaceships; October City
    2019 Oxford University entry and acceptance

    For the 2018 Red Carpet Event in Syracuse, New York to Kitty Hoynes, Bittersweet, and Pastabilitys;
    I wore all black even shoes black and rainbow sweater jacket.

    My personality in imagination is this:

    A Japanese umbrella with origami lines;
    I spin the wand to spin the hat;
    then he rushes to the window the sick kid saying “who is that”;
    they say oh a girl to see you;
    then we fall in Dreams; by that night when we fall to sleep…

    Can you guess my name sweet pea?
    Do you know my story?
    Was it boring?
    Did you stay the chance?
    Or was it just a Dream?

    The horizon is one guitar string as the tongue
    i taste

    the internet crabs tell me their tales
    would you Love me again and again?

    on the sand

    Joy Xinhan Messerschmidt-Rowansage Wise
    “Joy Messerschmidt”
    Wanaque, New Jersey
    Spackenkill High School
    Le Moyne College
    Oxford University
    inzandromeda spaceships
    Star Trek

  12. Kylie Van Kirk

    My name is Kylie. I live in San Jose, California. I am 12 years old. I am Caucasian. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am 5’3. I want to be on a Disney channel show or movie because I want to make people laugh. I have been in multiple school musicals, but I never got the lead role (probably because when I was auditioning for the part I was being obnoxious and overconfident(I’m not like that now). I can sing and dance well. My parents think only people who have famous parents and know people who are producers of shows and movies can get on to shows, but I disagree. I know it might be true but I also know that the fact you have connections and you know how to use autotune isn’t everything, I believe that it comes down to how much you want it. I know that millions of people could want the same part and only 1 of them would get it, and I accept that. I would love to be on Disney channel and I would greatly appreciate it if you cast me in a role.

  13. Chloe Sullivan

    Hi, My name is Chloe Sullivan and I am 12 years old. I have brown hair and brown eyes and I have a special personality!
    I have always loved the theatre process and acting. I dance all the time and I was in this years play at my school my teacher’s have always told me I have a huge potential in acting. My dream dream one day is to be on Broadway and star in my own movie! I have watched Disney channel since I was little. I will never stopped loving it! Thank you for your patience.

  14. Charisma

    Hello I am Charisma and I am 11 years old. My parents meet each other acting and I would be so happy and super duper excited to act for Disney Channel. My dad background danced for Mariah Carey and worked for people back in the day like Jadakiss, Jermaine Dupri, and Jawan Jackson, as well as other local artists. I am very talented and I am sure that If you let me audition and assigned me to a Disney channel show then you will not regret putting me in that show. I hope my dream will come true. My mom’s email below.

  15. Kalyn M.

    Hello, I am 12 almost 13 and I would love to be on Disney channel. I have blonde hair and hazel eyes, 5 ft 4.

  16. Kalyn M.

    Hello, I am 12 almost 13 and I would love to be on Disney channel. I have watched and acted like I was them. I love High school the musical(the musical). It would make my birthday so amazing. With all my love Kalyn M.

  17. brook

    I am 10 years old and I love to act so much . I really hope I can do acting someday and I love Disney.

  18. tyraeya jones

    I love Disney channel and I want to be an actor and become famous.

  19. Lawrencia Lawrence

    I’m Lawrencia and I’m 12 I have always watch Disney since when I was 1 and half years old and I have always wanted to be an actor on Disney.

  20. Ruby Lawrence

    Hey there my name is Ruby Lawrence and I’m 12 (13 in 7 days) I love Disney plus and have always wanted to be an actor in one of the shows. I am pretty good at acting and I would be over the moon to be in a audition for any show. Hoping you get this. Email me if you want to keep in touch 🙂

  21. Kamea H.

    Hello, My Name is kamea. I want to be a singer and actor. I am 13 years old, I am not that pretty like Skai jackson but I believe looks do not matter. My race is black and I am 5’7 I believe. I live in Hammond, Indiana.

  22. FZK

    I am 12 years old and would absolutely love to be part of Disney and join the community and to be in a film or series.

  23. Alisa

    Hello I’m Alisa,
    I love acting and I have participated in short clips before, and I would really like to get this part because it would make me feel like I did something that maters. Also I would be other the moon if I got to work for Disney.

    Thank you for reading my comment

  24. Naima

    If I joined Disney Channel, I would be in movie called “Crystal Clear”!

  25. Jayden

    Hi I’m Jayden and I’m 10 years old. I know I will be perfect for acting for Disney and more because I spend hours and hours practicing everyday and I’ve been wanted to act since I was 5 years old so those are my facts for being an actor.

  26. Heidi

    I love Disney. I’ve always wanted to be an actor and it would be a dream come true to get a part.

  27. Semiyah Lynn Johnson

    I’m 11 years and African American my dream was to become a Disney star and you do not see a black actor a lot. I want to change that and I have braids, dark brown eyes and I hope my dream comes true.

  28. Lee Reyes

    Hi, my name is Shesly Dennise Reyes Ramos, but I have a nick name and is “Lee” and I going to say everything about me, I don`t going to lie, because I want to get my dreams come true. I am Lee Reyes, I am 14 years old. I from Honduras and I know that Honduras is not a good country, but it is beautiful. I play the violin and the piano. I have to learn English and it`s not the only language that I can speak. I can speak English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, And a little of Russian, one of the things that I like is to act. I don`t why, but all my life, I have said to everyone “I like to act, and one day I am going to be a actress” and I know how to do it because I practice every time.

  29. Faith

    My name is Faith, I have hazel eyes and brown hair and I’m 14. My dream has always been to be an actress

  30. maryfaith moore

    Hi my name is Maryfaith. I would really love to join Disney channel so here is a little bit about me.
    I am 13.
    I have 3 dogs (2 don’t live with me at the moment).
    I have 5 brothers and 1 sister.
    I like wearing fancy clothes.
    I love wearing all kinds of fake hair( currently i am wearing some DON’T MAKE FUN OF ME)
    I have no father.
    I have a mother.
    I have three cousins (one is a baby and he is a 3 year old)
    I loved Disney ever sense I first saw it I loved it.

    I wanted to work for Disney for a long time . I went to these auditions that said they would make me a star or I would have to pay to do something of that sort I would just love to at least just get a chance to audition. I am tired of being rejected. I just want to be a actress. We don’t have money to travel but we will try to come up with some.


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