Here are the latest auditions by region. Please note that these are not all the regions that we list. If you are looking for a specific area please try to search auditions in the city, town or State.
Furthermore, we list UK, Australian and Canadian auditions, however this page is for US casting notices only, as US is the majority of the notices we post. Please search for other areas using our search feature.
We try to update the list of auditions daily and this list is simply the latest that were added. There are more active auditions and casting notices on their respective pages.
Looking for Audition listings by production type?
West Coast Auditions
These are the newest from California, Oregon and Washington.
South West Auditions
Latest casting call listings from Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada.
Great Lakes Region
Listed projects from Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana.
Mid West
Dakotas, Iowa, Ohio, Missouri, Wyoming, Utah and surrounding states.