Casting Young Actress for ESPN Produced Show in Detroit Michigan

Mckayla Location: Detroit / Ann Arbor Type: Film Seeking an ethnically ambiguous child actress, possibly Hispanic, African American, Biracial, or Indian. Actress will be performing for filmed treatments of an athlete as a child. These treatments will be used as flashback sequences. Project is in part produced by ESPN. This is a paid opportunity. Casting… Read More »

“The Dinner Detective” Interactive Mystery Show Holding Auditions for Actors in Michigan

The Dinner Detective Auditions Location: Oakland County, Michigan Type: Theater AUDITION NOTICE, NON-EQUITY PAID Seeking actors and actresses ages 18 and up for hire as company members in The Dinner Detective, America’s largest murder mystery dinner show. All ethnicities welcome and encouraged to submit. The Dinner Detective, is not the normal murder mystery dinner show… Read More »

Ongoing Acting Job in Grand Rapids, Michigan in Interactive, Ongoing Show

The Murder Mystery Company Announces: AUDITIONS For Grand Rapids, MI Location: Grand Rapids, MI Type: Theater Become a part of The Murder Mystery Company: The Experts in Mystery Entertainment! Seeking stage acting talent with all levels of training, 18 & up, Non-Equity Flexible schedule Fun, professional improv and theatre acting training. Be a part of… Read More »

Auditions for Actors in Kalamazoo, Michigan For Paid Roles in Historical Re-enactment Video

Historic Life at Colonial Michilimackinac Exhibit Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan Type: General Performers Mackinac Historic State Parks is creating a unique exhibit where visitors will be able interact with historical characters via a life-size ‘ghost’ effect. Actors will deliver a short monologue about a specific aspect of historic life at Colonial Michilimackinac in Mackinaw City, Michigan.… Read More »

Student Film “In Repair” Open Acting Auditions in Grand Rapids Michigan

IN REPAIR Location: Grand Rapids Michigan Type: Student Films The Short Film Production IN REPAIR is Holding Auditions Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday, February 1st, 3rd, & 4th at Compass College of Cinematic Arts (Grand Rapids) After unknowingly sleeping with her estranged daughter’s boyfriend, a lonely middle aged woman must redeem herself before her daughter moves… Read More »