Looking for female singers for a girl group

Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Atlanta Singer/Songwriter and Co-owner of independent label is looking to form a girl group with herself and 3 other girls! There is no advance but it you are signed the label will cover all studio time, shoots, styling, imaging, booking, meal plans, fitness and such. As you know… Read More »

DC area – voice over – female needed

Voice Over audition posted by the Producer/director Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Washington, DC (DMV area) Need experienced female voice-acting talent for a :30 spec internet commercial for a new product. One day. Next week. About an hour or so. Can even work around your schedule for recording. Don’t have to be a… Read More »


CASTING CALL: “CHATLINE” the movie. (Comedy) PAID $3k – $15k Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: This film is to be distributed worldwide on DVD and through Video on Demand. There is compensation for all of the roles in this film. Filming begins on the 25th of Feb. you must available then and up… Read More »

Casting Call for Movie ‘Chatline’

Auditions for supporting roles and extras –Casting Now– “CHATLINE” the movie. (Comedy) PAID $3k – $15k Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Nationwide This film is to be distributed worldwide on DVD and through Video on Demand. There is compensation for all of the roles in this film. Filming begins on the 25th of… Read More »

Casting Spokespeople New York

Media Sopkespeople Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: New York City MEDIA SPOKESPEOPLE FOR LIFESTYLE NEWS SEGMENTS (Seeking: Accredited and published “Experts” in various fields for promotional news segments) Local and major networks Union affiliation does not matter. Please submit online. If possible, include online demo clips. Interview Dates: 10/11-12/11 Shoot/Start Date: Promotional news… Read More »

Theatre – Connecticut Children’s Theater

Theatre auditions posted by the Executive/Artistic Director Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Newington, CT The Newington Children’s Theatre Company is seeking seven (7) adults (five women and two men) for The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, written by Barbara Robinson. Auditions are 6:30-9:00pm, Tuesday, November 1 and Wednesday, November 2, by appointment at the… Read More »

Casting Teen Girls Engaged or Married!

Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Nationwide Casting Teen Girls Engaged Or Married! Award-winning production company A. Smith & Co and MysticArt Pictures are conducting a nationwide search for a major cable network. This docu-series will follow 5 couples as they experience the triumphs and tribulations on their journey as an engaged or newlywed… Read More »

Casting Call Nationwide

Do you have a Primal Behavior? Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Nationwide Do you love animals? Have you transformed your life to be more like them? To look more like them? Eat more like they do? Live more like them? Do your friends and family have a hard time understanding your lifestyle? If… Read More »

Become a Reality TV Star

Reality TV auditions posted by the Casting Director Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: New Orleans, LA Are you a reality star – waiting to be discovered? This may just be your chance. We are coming to New Orleans and the surrounding areas and we want to meet you! Reality Stars wants to put… Read More »