Actor Auditions in Vancouver, BC Canada for Student Film

Auditions for Student Film in Vancouver, British Columbia Location: Vancouver, British Columbia. Type: Student Films ROLES Aaron – Male, Early 30’s. An early 30s, self-absorbed campaign manager looking to keep growing in the political pyramid of power. A sharp, well trained strategist who thinks every step before proceeding. Wise and thoughtful man, he puts his full heart on… Read More »

Open Auditions in Toronto, Canada for Play “As The Gut Turns”

As The Gut Churns Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Type: Theater Welcome to the peaceful little community of Blueball. Beneath the calm tranquility of this quaint community, lies the sordid lying, cheating and twisted characters that make up the backbone of this great country! Be transported back to April 1949 as Newfoundland joins the Canadian Confederation… Read More »

Casting Teens in the US & Canada for “Promposals” Reality Mini Series

Promposals Location: Across Canada & the United States Type: Reality TV NOW CASTING IN CANADA & USA It’s the sensation that is sweeping the nation! This exciting new six-part series will chronicle what it means to plan and pull-off the ultimate promposal. We will be featuring 18 students from across North America, closely following their… Read More »