Casting Kids 7 to 18 for video

Casting child for paid video 1. Redhead BOY and GIRL ages 7 to 13. 2. One very light blonde BOY and GIRL ages 7-13. 3. Asian GIRL age 7-18. THESE ARE NOT ADULT POSITIONS–THEY ARE FOR CHILD ACTORS!! Please send the following: 1 Headshot ( just face) AND 1-3 full body pictures (non-professional ok–outside, with… Read More »

Training Film Shoot-Baltimore/DC

Audition – Please read carefully and follow all instructions if you would like to audition Training Film Shoot-Baltimore/DC Non Union Please let me know which audition time and day is good for you and I will try to schedule you close to the day and time. please email me head shot and resume or one… Read More »

Open Casting call for Extras

Casting for The Pretend Wife Starring Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler We are holding open casting calls for PAID extras beginning February 15th Sande Alessi Casting 13731 Ventura Blvd. Suite B 2nd floor Sherman Oaks 91423 We are looking for the following types: Exceptionally beautiful men and women 18-24 who are fabulously upscale. (Think Beverly… Read More »

Casting Latino Talent for Video

LOOKING FOR 4 LATINO NON UNION TALENT (FOR 2 VIDEOS ON ASTHMA) THESE ARE PAYING ROLES. ENGLISH LANGUAGE VIDEO: Talent must speak perfect English GRANDMA (60-75) DAD (40-45) GIRL (4-6) GIRL (10-12) SPANISH LANGUAGE VIDEO: Talent must be Spanish native speakers) GRANDMA (60-75) DAD (40-45) GIRL (4-6) GIRL (10-12) Please send your resume and headshot… Read More »

Casting 3 Roles for short film “Anniversary”

Short film THE ANNIVERSARY, produced by award-winning production company Logan Circle Films, is seeking three principal characters, al in their late 20’s – 30’s (early 40’s a possibility). VANESSA: Female, dark-haired, fair-skinned. She knowingly and skillfully plays the coquette and seductress to Michael, for a purpose unknown to anyone but herself. MICHAEL: Male, dark-haired, with… Read More »