Ballet Dancer Auditions in San Francisco

Alonzo King LINES Ballet – San Francisco Audition, By Invitation Only. Location: San Francisco, CA Type: Dance Join us in San Francisco on March 26th for our 2020 Company Audition! Audition by Invitation Only. Alonzo King LINES Ballet seeks dancers of soloist and principal caliber for future contracts. Ideal candidates are highly proficient and professionally… Read More »

Theater Auditions in Manhasset, NY

Do Not Be Kind to Robots That Love Humans Location: Manhasset, NY Type: Theater Open AUDITIONS Sunday, February 2 and 9, 2020 1 :00 PM, Chapel Do Not Be Kind to Robots That Love Humans Musical play about a family that needs help MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN ACTORS, SINGERS, UNDERSTUDIES, and BACKSTAGE PEOPLE NEEDED Get… Read More »

Auditions in Phoenix Arizona for Lead Roles in “The Exit Project”

The Exit Project Location: Phoenix, Arizona Type: Film Lead roles (Audition required) (Paid + Perks) Rachel Carter (Female, caucasian, attractive, 20’s or 30’s, athletic/slim figure) Erik Carter (Male, caucasian, ages 9-12, athletic/slim figure) Acting experience (Preferred) Featured Extra Roles (Non-paid) (No audition required) 2 Police Detectives (Lunch, IMDB Credit, Experience) 4 Police Officers (Lunch, IMDB… Read More »

Auditions for Tina: The Tina Turner Musical, Madrid, Spain Production in Spanish Language

The Tina Turner Musical is coming to Spain and auditions are being held for Spanish language performers. The Tina Turner Musical is working on a Spanish language production of the Broadway musical and is scheduled to open in Madrid, Spain in 2020. The show is now holding auditions for performers to fill a variety of… Read More »