L.A. Area Auditions for Short Film “Down Boy”

Down Boy Location: Los Angeles, California Type: Film DOWN BOY Short Union Status: NON-UNION Producer: Mark Cooper Director: Lindsey Bristol Writer: Lindsey Bristol & Molly O’Brien Audition Date(s): Self-tape Start date: August 2021 (weekends) Rate of Pay: No Pay. Credit/Copy, Meals provided. Transportation Negotiable Location: LA DEADLINE: Saturday, July 24, 2021 We encourage performers of… Read More »

Auditions for Kids in Austin Texas for Kids Adventure Show

Adventure Series Kid Austin TX Location: Austin, TX Type: Educational LEAD (Male 10-12) Strong interest in the outdoors, nature, adventuring, and helping others. On-camera experience is not required. This LEAD role may require interaction with bugs, water, the wilderness, rain, mud, and/or animals. Potential for additional opportunities. Established in 2010, Primitive Planet creates adventure-based social… Read More »