Singers for New Girl Group in DC Area

Girl Group Auditions For GirlGroupInProgress Location: Washington, DC Audition / Call Type: Musicians GirlGroupInProgress is an upcoming project based in the areas around Washington, DC. The main goal is to create a group of female/feminine labeled artists who share the passion for music and performing. We are looking for people between the ages of 16-21… Read More »

Performer Job in NYC for “The Ride” – Hosts, Dancers, Rappers & Singers

The Ride Casting Hosts, Dancers, Rappers and Singers for “The Ride” in NYC Location: New York, NY Audition / Call Type: General Performers Seeking All Roles Location: New York, New York Type: Theater Casting all Roles for “The Ride,” a Drama Desk-nominated experience that is part tour/part show! Synopsis: The Ride takes place on a… Read More »

Singers for Pop Girl Group

Girl Group Auditions Location: U.S only Audition / Call Type: Singers Hello, I am looking for girls ages 18-22 for a upcoming girl group. The group already has 4 members but are looking to extend with another member or two. Auditions will be held thru a process on instagram. (Please do not send a email… Read More »