MTV casting call for teens

MTV Seeks Teens from Divorced Families for Docu-series Casting notice posted on, casting location: Nationwide CASTING NOTICE Major Cable Network is looking for fun, gregarious up beat families with BIG & over the top personalities that would be willing to share their story on a new docu-series. Are your parents separated, going through a… Read More »

Disney Channel Auditions

Disney XD and Disney Channel Tryouts The Disney Channel and Disney XD have announced an open call for new child talent. The Disney open call will be held in Austin Texas and is open to kids who can dance, sing or act. Disney Channel and Disney XD reps will be conducting the auditions for new… Read More »

New York City Auditions – ‘Goldilocks and the Three Polar Bears’

casting notice posted by the Director Casting notice posted on, casting location: New York City Wide Eyed Productions with PlaylabNYC is casting ‘Goldilocks and the Three Polar Bears’ (by Jerrod Bogard; music by Sky Seals), a 50-minute musical play for kids & families from the creators of ‘Jack and the Soy Beanstalk.’ Performing at… Read More »

Hasbro’s Family Game Night Open Casting Call

“Family Game Night” is now casting for season 2! Wanted – Los Angeles based families of 4 – 2 children and 2 parents to compete on the show against other families. Test your skill and find fun the entire family can enjoy! Family Game night is a hour long live action game show where families… Read More »

Auditions “Dance Machine the Movie” nationwide

Dance Machine the Movie Casting notice posted on, casting location: Nationwide We are casting for the full feature film “DanceMachine!”. “Dance Machine” is being produced by Mark R. Harris whose credits, to name a few, include “Crash”, “The Black Donnellys,” and “Gods and Monsters.” Mr. Harris has developed a reputation for being a Hollywood… Read More »