Casting teens and their parents

PARENTS: Do You Think Your Teen Is Too Young To Date....Travel Abroad...Get A Piercing? Casting notice posted on, casting location: Nationwide Hey Parents! Do you feel like your teenager…

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Casting overweight children

Kids that are overweight Casting notice posted on, casting location: New York, NY Is your child overweight, yet you still let them eat whatever they want? Are you the…

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Auditions for Dance Machine The Movie

Dance Machine the Movie Casting notice posted on, casting location: Nationwide We are casting for the full feature film "DanceMachine!". "Dance Machine" is being produced by Mark R. Harris…

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Auditions for Feature Film

Feature Film in Pre Production Looking For Six Actors (Three Male Three Female) For Script Reading Casting notice posted on, casting location: New York, NY “Rain” is likened to…

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