Castings and Auditions for Africa American Actors

Civil Rights museum movie Seeks African American actors – Virginia

African America Actors wanted in Virginia for a Civil Rights museum movie! Principal Pay: $700/day +10% (if agent), non-broadcast full buyout Travel: if needed only, gas & lodging Production Company: Cortina Productions Casting Company: Arvold Casting Audition Dates: October 30th – November 6th, 2013 Audition Locations: Charlottesville, VA and Richmond, VA Shoot Dates: two (2)… Read More »

African American Actors Needed for Christian Stageplay “Misunderstood”

African American Actors Needed for Christian Stageplay “Misunderstood” Casting notice posted on, casting location: Los Angeles “Misunderstood” is a new stage play by Christopher Utley that challenges you to consider what, and sometimes who, you have to give up in order to live a life that pleases God. “Misunderstood” is a full length, two… Read More »

Dallas Theater Auditions

SEEKING AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALE/THEATER PERFORMANCE Casting notice posted on, casting location: DALLAS/FT. WORTH Seeking Actress for the Explosive Theater Show – “Mixed Signals” NOTE: This is NOT a stage play. This is a theater show depicting serious adult life issues. AA Female- 25-35 years of age any height, any build *Previous theater experience a… Read More »

NYC Casting Call

Last Call Casting notice posted on, casting location: NYC HECTOR FOREMAN Physical Description: 21-26 years old, Latino or African American, tall and thin. Wears glasses. Personality: Hector Foreman is college educated and well-off financially. Recently engaged to his sweetheart, Diana Lewis. Foreman is not physically strong, he also tends to have a bit of… Read More »