Castings and Auditions for akron

Auditions in Akron Ohio for “Denied Admission”

Denied Admission Location: Akron, OH Type: Theater CASTING FOR: Denied Admission: a play based on credible fear interviews of asylum seekers. Gum-Dip Theatre prides itself on building performances that give platform to underrepresented voices. Looking for actors / creators of all races, backgrounds, and levels of experience. AUDITION LOCATION: The Center – 118 West Market… Read More »

Speaking Role Auditions in Northeast Ohio / Cleveland for Indie Film Project “Phantastique”

Phantastique (working title) (SHORT FILM) Location: Northeast Ohio Type: Film Director: Matthew Cogar PREMISE: A teen is stalked by a vile demon when she takes on a babysitting gig for a family that, as she discovers, has no living children. EMILY (female, late teens to early twenties) Emily, the protagonist, accepts a “babysitting” gig in… Read More »

Runway Model Auditions in Akron Ohio for Fashion Show

Runway Model Call Location: Akron, OH Type: Modeling Open Runway Model Call for By Jazmine Fischer Fashion Show on August 12th! This fashion event will present Jazmine’s latest high quality collection featuring 15+ fall couture pieces! We’re seeking female runway models 5′ 3″ and up and all ages are welcome! We’ll be taking measurements so… Read More »

Akron Ohio Acting Auditions for “KidsLife”

KIDSLIFE CASTING CALL, LOOKING FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTORS/ACTRESSES! Location: Akron Type: Film KidsLIFE – PROFESSIONAL ACTORS/ACTRESSES KidsLIFE is a monthly environment for parents and their kids where they learn character principles that that they can apply as a family. The center piece of this 40-minute production is a 15 minute movie played for families. During this… Read More »