Castings and Auditions for baby auditions

Casting Mother and baby for Breast Feeding Pump Commercial in Los Angeles

Breast feeding pump product Location: Los Angeles Type: Video breast pump related video. To be shot in mid April in DTLA. Baby will only be required for 2 hours of shooting (15 minutes per hour for Child) Please provide pictures without Make-Up and Child. Thank you. Please DM for more details or email One… Read More »

Toddler & Kid Modeling Auditions in Georgia for Fashion Show

Winter Wonderland Fashion Show Location: Macon, GA Type: Pageants We are searching for participants to enter the fashion show. The project is an event to promote bringing families together in a fun and relaxed environment. The Winter Wonderland Fashion show will consist of three age groups. Group 1- ages 2-5, Group 2- ages 6-10 and… Read More »