Castings and Auditions for bad girl’s club tryouts

Tryout for Bad Girls Club 2017

“Bad Girls Club” is coming back with a brand new season and casting for the show has begun. Open casting calls for the 2016 / 2017 season have been announced and casting directors will be travelling coast to coast looking for the ultimate Bad Girls.  The Bad Girls Club brings seven self-proclaimed ‘bad girls’ together… Read More »

Try out for Bad Girl’s Club 2015 / 2016 Season

Attention all self proclaimed Bad Girls, Your chance to tryout for The Bad Girl’s Club 2016 is coming up. A new round of casting calls has begun. Casting directors for the show are looking for “bad girls” to join the cast in 2016. Do you have what it takes to be cast in the hit reality show… Read More »

“Bad Girl’s Club” Open Casting Calls Announced

Try out for “Bad Girl’s Club” 2015 Season For those wanting to try out for “Bad Girls Club“… the wait is over. Auditions are going on now. Auditions for the show are being held this week and next all over the country including San Francisco, New Orleans, Colombia, D.C., Houston, Miami, Philly and Boston. If… Read More »

Bad Girl’s Club Now Casting

Bad Girl’s Club tryouts are coming to Charlotte! Producers for the show will be in Charlotte on May 30th 2012. Bad Girl’s Club is produced by the same people that brought us “Keeping up with the Kardashians” and “The Real World”. They are now looking for ‘Bad Girls’ in the Charlotte area and hoping that… Read More »

Bad Girl’s Club Casting Call / Open Call New Orleans

Open Casting Call in New Orleans – Bad Girl’s Club Bad Girl’s Club Auditions New Orleans, Louisiana Bad Girl’s Club is a reality TV show that puts a group of so called “Bad Girls” into a fancy, large house where they spend the show living together. Ladies living in New Orleans and it’s surrounding area… Read More »