Castings and Auditions for Belfast

Theater Auditions in Belfast

Location: Belfast Type: Theater Open Audition (unpaid) Beyond The Dead: A Bloomsday Recognition of James Joyce. The Dead is one of James Joyce’s most acclaimed shorts of The Dubliners. Autobiographical in nature it tell of Gabriel (Joyce) falling from Grace,in a single evening. By the conclusion of the story Gabriel has discovered his wife had… Read More »

Auditions for Paid Roles in Indie Short Film, Belfast Ireland

Untitled Short FIlms Location: Oh Yeah Music Centre, Belfast Type: Film Casting Call. Auditions this Saturday! Apex Pictures are seeking talented actors to perform in a paid short film production being filmed on location throughout Belfast in July 2016. Auditions will be held between 12pm-6pm at the Oh Yeah Music Centre this Saturday, 14th May… Read More »

Auditions in Belfast for Experimental Short Film “Giants”

Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland Type: Student Films Giants is an experimental short fiction, following the relationship between a young man named Finn and a Giant, a figment of his imagination. The story is set in a fantasy future where Finn has been raised to believe that Giants created the world, serving as explanation for the… Read More »