Castings and Auditions for boy band

Global Singer and Rapper Auditions for Competition Reality Show

CALLING ALL SINGERS, AGES 18-25 (RAPPERS & BEATBOXERS TOO) The search is on for… THE NEXT GREAT VOCAL GROUP AND YOU COULD BE A PART OF IT. A global talent search is holding online auditions for a new production which is looking to find the next “it” groups. We’re currently on a global search for… Read More »

Teen Boys Who Speak Korean, Chinese or Japanese, Male Singers for KPOP Group in NYC

Open Casting Call/Audition Location: New York, NY Audition / Call Type: Singers Looking for singers to form a 5th Gen KPOP Group. Please only submit if you have some Korean language background, as well as English. Chinese and Japanese language speakers will also be considered. Boys Ages 14-18. Payment: Other City or Location of call:… Read More »

Boy Band Auditions Online

CLOWD Boygroup Auditions Location: Worldwide Audition / Call Type: Singers We are seeking 8 boys born 2002-2006, to be part of a new project. We are looking for someone who can dance, and hold their own singing. This is an independent project, and we hope to be picked up by a label after casting. Payment:… Read More »

Singers for Country Music Boy Band

615BOYS – Band Audtion Location: Nationwide 615BOYS: Band Audition Crank Music, a top-tier independent record label, is seeking young, talented teenage boys from across North America to form the first-ever contemporary country music boy band, 615BOYS. Working with some of the top producers and writers in the industry, those selected for 615BOYS will earn a… Read More »