Castings and Auditions for casting African American Actors

Music Video Auditions – African American Actors

Need african american actors Age 35-45 Male and Female Casting notice posted on, casting location: Los Angeles Music video need two more actors to complete cast, Music video is about the sad truth and reality of gang life, domestic violence,danger of unprotected sex. Non-Union actors So please be able to express emotion very well… Read More »

African American Actors Los Angeles | Inland Empire

Casting notice posted on, casting location: Riverside, CA Dear All African-American actors in the Inland Empire or the rest of socal. I go to the UNiversity of California Riverside and my club NSA (Nigeria Student Association) is going to be throwing an event. The event will be titled “A Journey through Africa) In this… Read More »

Theater auditions Cleveland

Seeking African American Actors Casting notice posted on, casting location: Cleveland, Ohio Looking for male, African-american actors between the ages of 45-60 for upcoming dinner theater event. Must be over 5′-8″, experience preferred. Paid stipends. Send email to for appointment/audition. Casting Location: Cleveland, Ohio Contact email:

Casting Hilarious African American/ Carribean Actresses 55 and over | NYC

Casting Hilarious African American/ Carribean Actresses 55 and over Casting notice posted on, casting location: Manhattan/ Brooklyn New York Casting Notice Project Name: Platinum Wigs Project Type: Theater/Comedy Rate/Compensation: Transportation Message: Platinum Wigs Seeking Nonunion, Sophisticated, Hilarious, African American/Carribean Women 55 and older.. No acting experience necessary, but must be professional and have some… Read More »

Casting Call Chicago

Casting notice posted by Producer and Creator Casting notice posted on, casting location: October 9th 2010 Please call RSVP 1-888-7734-1432 or 1-630-313-0545 if selected please bring your color and black and white pics bio need dancers and black actresses who can dance and do scenes of kunfu as well looking for all types.… Read More »

Kids Auditions – Seeking African American or multicultural girl 11-13 | Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES AREA ONLY -Seeking African American or multicultural girl 11-13 for interview on AMERICAN GIRL DVD SPECIAL FEATURE Must be outgoing and comfortable getting interviewed on camera. You will be yourself. $100 for 1/2 day shoot in Camarillo either 10/4 or 10/11. Child audition posted by the Casting Director Casting notice posted on,… Read More »

Auditions for Musical | DC

New Musical Casting notice posted on, casting location: Washington, DC African American Singers, Actors and Singer/Actors needed to cast a new musical. JOJO-mid 30s- not well kept, but very friendly and sincere man, singing role TWON-late 30s-early 40s- Thug/gangster, imposing appearance-singing role TRINA-late 20s – 30s, attractive, streetwise woman, singing role BLACK-30s-early 40s-actor KEITH-30s,… Read More »