Castings and Auditions for casting twins

Open Casting Call for 2 Year Old Kids in Boston, Lead Role in Showtime TV Show

Showtime Television Pilot Location: Bosotn, MA Type: TV Pilots Casting 2-year-olds and 2-year-old Twins! Casting for BOY or GIRL Caucasian, Hispanic, or Mixed Race. Casting for leading role in upcoming SHOWTIME TELEVISION PILOT THE UNTITLED FRANKIE SHAW PROJECT OPEN CALL Friday, September 30th 8-3pm Monday, October 3rd 8-3pm Tuesday, October 4th 8-3pm 129 Braintree St,… Read More »

Casting Twin Brothers in Their 60s for Fashion Event Filming in Berlin, Germany

Casting Twin Brothers in their 60’s Location: Berlin, Germany Type: Other Projects We are casting Twin Brothers in their 60’s for an a special collaboration between a German Online Retailer and an Italian Luxury Fashion brand. Talent would be part of an Art Installation, sitting at entrance and exit of the space, greeting guests. Dates… Read More »