Castings and Auditions for Comedy

Female Comics in NYC for “ClapBack Queens” Monthly Comic Roast in Brooklyn NY

Are you a ClapBack Queen? Location: New York, NY Type: General Performers ClapBack Queens is an exciting new monthly all women’s roast battle beginning this June at Caffine Underground (447 Central Avenue) in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Art LovHer LLC in partnership with Bondfire radio are developing this unique platform for women comics to joke it out.… Read More »

Casting Comedy Tour Guides in Asheville, NC for LaZoom

LaZoom Comedy Tour Guides Location: Asheville, NC Type: Comedy LaZoom is an independent tour company providing entertaining tours of Asheville, North Carolina. The unforgettable LaZoom experience, from start to finish, is uniquely fun, immersive, and colorful. Our interactive comedy bus tours blend original comedy and sharp improv with fast paced facts about Asheville, NC. Each… Read More »

Online Video Auditions for Actors to Play Reporters in Comedy Movie

Casting News Reporter Roles in Cable News Comedy, Online Audition, Worldwide Location: Worldwide Type: Film Open today are 13 roles, each averaging two-minutes of screen time, which we are filling via online auditions. Auditions are open now at our website: This is open to actors who want to portray news reporters or satellite pundits… Read More »