Castings and Auditions for girl group

Global Audition Applications Open To Be Part Of The Next Major Global k-Pop Girl Group

Online Girl Group Auditions for Major K-Pop Promoter SM Entertainment. Are you looking for how to get into a major girl group? If so read on because SM Entertainment has launched the First-Ever Global Auditions for a New K-Pop Girl Group. While SM Entertainment is no stranger to scouting talent worldwide, this is the first… Read More »

Singers for Christian Girl Group

Love and Crowns Auditions – Christian Girl Group 2024 Location: United States Audition / Call Type: Singers Calling Christian girls who are passionate about music and willing to serve God with their musical talents. Our goal is to create an exceptional Christian girl group that would change lives in history. If you can sing, dance, rap,… Read More »

Global Singer and Rapper Auditions for Competition Reality Show

CALLING ALL SINGERS, AGES 18-25 (RAPPERS & BEATBOXERS TOO) The search is on for… THE NEXT GREAT VOCAL GROUP AND YOU COULD BE A PART OF IT. A global talent search is holding online auditions for a new production which is looking to find the next “it” groups. We’re currently on a global search for… Read More »

Girl Singing Group Auditions in Texas

Girl Group Location: Texas Audition / Call Type: Singers I am looking for singers in Texas, age 20-24, interested in joining a group. We already have a producer and song writers and will be making pop/indie music. We need one to two more girls to complete the group. Rapping and dancing is also a plus… Read More »

Girl Group Singer Auditions

Girl Group Audition Location: Nationwide Audition / Call Type: Singers Hello Girls. Hello Everyone I am a normal girl who have big dream to become a singer. and i am starting a girl group of singer and looking for girl members who have same dreams and passion like me to became a singer. i am… Read More »