Castings and Auditions for girl group

Zoom Auditions for Girl Group

Nationwide Girl Group Auditions 2021 – INSATIA Location: Nationwide Type: Singers INSATIA, you can’t get enough. INSATIA (sometimes written as INS4TIA) is a powerhouse girl group: powerhouse vocalists and dancers that know how to put on a PERFORMANCE! They are the group to watch out for because they are going to be taking the world… Read More »

Singers / Dancers for Pop Music Group, Girl Group Auditions

Mgmt seeking F Dancer-Singers for International Pop Music Girl Group Location: Nationwide Type: Singers Management/Record Label seeking female artists (18-24) who can sing/rap (Pop, R&B, Rock preferred) and dance well to choreography (you will be given a KPop song for the dance part of the audition) to complete an all-female International Pop Music Group that… Read More »