Castings and Auditions for girl group

Singers in Tucson Arizona for Girl Group

Hush/Girlgroup Location: Anywhere in Arizona preferably Tucson or Phoenix Type: Singers Hello, my name is Zakirah I am looking for 4 girls (14-17) who are interested in being in a girlgroup. Being in a girlgroup is something I’ve been passionate about for a few years now my inspiration is Bts, Ariana Grande, Fifth Harmony, Little… Read More »

Singer for Girl Group in New York City

Girl Band Location: New York Area Type: Singers CORRECTION: Female Singers for Group Location: New York Area Type: Singers Seeking a replacement singer for a girl band! Must be able to sing, harmonize Dance & perform! To audition please send a video of yourself singing an R&B/Pop song to or you can also audition… Read More »

Female Singer Dancer for Music Group in NYC

NYC Management Company seeking F Singer/Dancers for International Pop Group Location: NYC Type: Singers Seeking female artists 18-24 who can sing/rap (pop, R&B, rock preferred) and dance well to choreography to complete an all-female International Pop music group. Little Mix meets BlackPink. Dance styles: breakdancing, contemporary, hip-hop; height: 5’0″-5’4″. Ethnicity: All Ethnicities Production states: “You… Read More »