Castings and Auditions for girl group

Singers for UK Hip Hop Girl Group

GIRL BAND MEMBERS NEEDED FOR UK HIP HOP GIRL GROUP Location: Midlands Type: Singers DO YOU WANT TO BE IN THE NEXT BIGGEST GIRL GROUP? WELL HERES YOUR CHANCE! I am putting together a five-member, hip hop, girl group with mixed ethnicities. I’m looking for girls of every race from all over the UK. Must… Read More »

Teen Singers in Ottawa, Toronto, Canada for Girl Group

AUDITIONS FOR NEXT BIGGEST GIRL GROUP IN THE WORLD Location: Ottawa, Toronto, ON, Canada Type: Singers looking to form a girl group that performs pop music. preferably with the similar style of sensational kpop girl group “blackpink”! the group’s particular aim is to recreate the dedicated process of performing dances while singing; performing. kpop is… Read More »

Girl Group Singer Auditions in Miami

Girl Group Audition Location: Miami Florida Type: Musicians Hello! We are Idolized Identity (ID-2). We are a two member group based out of South Florida, and we are looking for 2-3 more dedicated and hardworking girls in Florida. We are a Pop, Hip-Hop, and R&B girl group who will expand to other genres to showcase… Read More »

Singers for Online Auditions for Music Group

Online Original Music Group Auditions Location: Nationwide (Remote) Type: Singers Quintessence is an upcoming remote/online music circle, and music group. We will mainly create original songs and content, however we will occasionally do covers. Music will be distributed via Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Vevo, etc. Quintessence will release music that can focus one, multiple, or… Read More »

Singers for Girl Group Worldwide

Members needed for International Girl Group Purple Melody Location: Nationwide Type: Singers Hello, we are looking for more members for our girl group Purple Melody. There are currently 3 of us and we are all from different countries. The plan is to make music together and eventually make it into the industry. This group is… Read More »