Castings and Auditions for girl group

Girl Group Girl Pow-R Are Holding Teen Singer Auditions in Ontario, Canada

Location: Ontario Type: Singers Performing for Thousands…Inspiring Over a Million Listeners…Now Auditioning for 2019/2020 Toronto, ON — Canada’s teen pop supergroup Girl Pow-R are hosting a fresh round of auditions, adding to their pack of talented, driven young girls who are set on changing the world through the power of positivity, empowerment, and song. With… Read More »

Singers for Girl Group in Orlando

Group audition Location: Orlando fl Type: Musicians Hi, am starting a singer/rapper/beatboxer group am looking for people that’s aren’t scared to show there talent. A little about me am a rapper, dancer, and a actor but scratch the acting part this isn’t about acting. if your serious about performing these are rules to apply Age… Read More »

Singers & Rappers in Miami for Girl Group

SF Girl Group Auditions 2019 Location: Miami, Florida Type: Web series Looking for six girls (16 and up) Who have aspiring goals to make and perform music. Requirements: >Florida based (please live in the South Florida area with available transportation) >16 YEARS OR OLDER, no exceptions >Comfortable being in the public eye, and active on… Read More »