Castings and Auditions for girl group

Girl Singing Group Auditions in Providence Rhode Island

Diverse Members Wanted for Girl Group in The Northeast. Location: Providence RI / NYC Type: Singers Musician types wanted producer rapper singer songwriter vocalist – backing vocalist – choral Genres experimental latin pop rock soul world music Area- northeast corridor Hello we’re Compass and we are looking for four young women between the ages of… Read More »

Baltimore Maryland Music Auditions for Singers, Bands and Music Acts for PBS Show

Celebration of Music Location: Baltimore, Maryland Type: Singers We are looking for all musical acts/genres (bands, soloists, duets, groups, instrumentalists, a cappella, and even dancers) ages 4-25 years old to audition. If chosen as a contestant, we will air your music video on your local Public Broadcast Channel, MPT, for thousands of people to see.… Read More »

Miami Girl Group Auditions

Girl Group Audition 2018 Location: Miami Florida Type: Singers Hello! Are you a girl looking to make music, connect with others. or break into the music industry as a group. This is the place for you. No matter if its rapping or singing. We are looking to build a sisterhood and amazing connection and show… Read More »

Singer Auditions in NYC for Female A Cappella Group “Mezzo”

NYC Female A Cappella Group – Mezzo Location: New York, NY Type: Singers Mezzo, a contemporary, New York-based female a cappella group, is holding auditions for a high soprano (preferred) but other voice parts welcome. Previous a cappella experience required, and all potential auditionees should be free for callbacks on October 23, 2018. Founded in… Read More »