Castings and Auditions for girl group

KPOP Girl Group Auditions in Las Vegas

5 MEMBER Kpop GIRL GROUP AUDITIONS (Las Vegas) Location: Las Vegas, Nevada Type: General Performers CG Enterprises in conjuction with Legacy Music is seeking 5 attractive CHRISTIAN young ladies, ages 18-25 (to look younger), to be a part of a new Pop group. This group will be launched on the K-Pop market internationally in addition… Read More »

K-Pop Singer Groups & Performer Auditions in the San Francisco Bay Area

K-POP TALENT SEARCH Location: San Francisco Bay Area Type: Singers Douglas Croter Productions is searching for unique talent in the Bay Area for upcoming theatrical shows. “Unique Talent” means that you are an exceptional, polished act with original music and choreography that is ready to perform in front of hundreds of people and prove to… Read More »