Castings and Auditions for girl group

NY / Tri-State Area Female Singer for Pop / R&B Girl Group

Entertainment Co Seeks Female R&B/Pop Singer for recording group Location: New York, NY, New Jersey, CT, DE and Philly Type: Singers Entertainment Company Seeks Female R&B/Pop singer to add to currently formed girl group. Singer/Performer MUST BE ABLE TO: SING LEAD, HARMONIZE, DANCE AND BE A PERFORMER! Age: 18-27 Must be ready and able to come… Read More »

Singer Auditions in Richmond for New Professional, Touring Girl Group

New Members for Touring Girl Pop Group Location: Richmond, Virginia Type: Dance We are looking for members to form the “Touring Girl Pop Group” called BG5. You will be similar to The Pussy Cat Dolls and Girlicious. All members must be ages 18-35 years old; all female; all must sing and dance equally and exceptionally well.… Read More »

NYC Area Female Singer Auditions for Semi-Pro A Cappella Group “Mezzo”

Mezzo: Female Semi-Pro A Cappella Group Auditions. Location: New York, NY Type: Musicians Mezzo, an established semi-pro group in NYC, is looking for new members! If you’re looking to sing some cool harmonies with your fellow ladies, fill out this form: You’ll need to include a video of you singing a verse and chorus… Read More »