Castings and Auditions for girl group

Online Teen Girl Group Needs Singers and Rappers

Nationwide Girl Group Singers Audition Location: Nationwide Audition / Call Type: Singers   This is an audition for girls who are passionate about being Singers and aren’t scared to make this a career. Payment: Non-Paid This group will contain 4-6 members. We need singers as well as rappers.   Keep in mind that there will… Read More »

Singers in Texas for Indie Girl Group

Girl group auditions Location: Texas Audition / Call Type: Singers   Hello everyone. I am the producer of a an independent girl group in Texas who is looking for two to three more singers (rapping and songwriting is a plus!). We are looking for singer age 20-24 who are willing to commute/relocate and who are… Read More »

Singer Girl Group Auditions in Atlanta

Girl Group Auditions. Location: Atlanta Audition / Call Type: Singers Do you dream of becoming a singer? Are you interested in showcasing your talent to the world? We are seeking female vocalists and dancers for independent R&B and pop music girl group, IV. Payment: Non-Paid City or Location of call: AtlantaPlease submit to: by… Read More »

Norman Music Festival Holding Auditions for Music Acts in Oklahoma (Oklahoma City Area)

Open auditions in Oklahoma for the Norman Music festival. The Oklahoma music festival is known for showcasing the best of indie and emerging artists. It’s a festival where music enthusiasts can discover new and exciting talents while also enjoying the performances of established bands. This diverse lineup includes everything from rock, folk, and blues to… Read More »