Castings and Auditions for girl group

Established Girl Group Holding Auditions for Female R&B/Pop Singer/Performer in Tri-State Area

Female R&B/Pop Singer/Performer NEEDED for Girl Band Location: New York/New Jersey/CT/PA/DE Type: Singers Auditioning for R&B/Pop singers age 18 to 27 for Girl Band. Must be able to sing lead, harmonize, dance and perform. Singer chosen must be able to come into group and it the ground running. Group is already established. Replacing/adding one member.… Read More »

NYC’s Mezzo Female A Cappella Group Holding Auditions For Singers

MEZZO: New York A Cappella Auditions Location: New York, NY Type: Singers Hi there, New York a cappella fans! We are MEZZO — an NYC-based semi-professional female a cappella group looking for additional members. We are looking for someone who is also committed to strong musicianship and strives for excellence in a cappella performance. As… Read More »