Castings and Auditions for girl group

Auditions in Denver for A Cappella Girl Singing Group “Colorado Girl”

SINGERS WANTED FOR NEW A CAPPELLA GROUP Location: Denver, colorado Type: General Performers “Colorado Girl” is looking for 5 girls and 4 male singers/dancers ages 18-30 under the musical direction of Len Rhodes. Auditions are Saturday Nov. 21, 2015 At: Colorado Springs Conservatory 415 South Sahwatch Street Colorado Springs, Co. 80903 (just one block east… Read More »

BET Casting Singers To Be Part Of The Next Superstar Girl Group – Kelly Rowland Project

BET Network Girl Group Auditions – NOW CASTING FOR THE NEXT FEMALE SUPERSTAR GROUP. Kelly Rowland, in association with BET NETWORKS, is now casting talented singers and performers to have their shot at joining the next great female superstar group. The group will be documented on its journey as part of the exciting new BET television series intended to premiere in 2016.