Castings and Auditions for girl group

Auditions for Female Singers in Orlando Florida – Pop Group

Seeking female vocalists for pop group Location: Orlando, FL Type: Singers Orlando, FL –  Submissions are currently being accepted for a new female pop group comprised of women between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-one. Ladies are required to have singing and dancing abilities (no prior experience is necessary) with their own unique style. The… Read More »

Auditions for Female R&B Singers in the NYC Area

Vocalists Location: New York Type: Singers Grammy award winning Manager/Executive Producer looking to provide a once in a lifetime opportunity to be part of his next exciting new global project. He is currently seeking three (3) energetic, focused and powerful Caucasian female singers ages 18-20 with a love of R&B, Pop and Hip Hop. The… Read More »

Singer Auditions for Teen Girl Group – San Jose

Girl group ages 13-16 – girl singer and rappers Location: San Jose, California Type: Singers Looking for teenage female singers/rappers ages 13-16 in San Jose, California. Email a video of you singing or your phone number for a phone call audition to my email Yes, this is a non-professional girl group but it will… Read More »