Castings and Auditions for girl group

Backup Dancer Auditions in Chicago

Girl Group, “DIVA Dancers” Location: Chicago, IL Audition / Call Type: Dancers We’re a small independent start-up team looking for 2 ‘Women of Color’ DANCERS to complete a 3 member GIRL TRIO ENSEMBLE for an up and coming Singer. The group will have a unique and specific style therefore, we are looking for the following:… Read More »

Singers for New Girl Group

New Girl Group Audition Location: Nationwide Audition / Call Type: Singers   Hey there, Are you a talented girl with a passion for music and a dream of being part of a girl group? Well, “Black Aurora” is looking for seven amazing girls to join our musical family! About Us: We’re “Black Aurora,” a group… Read More »

Seeking Singing Trio Girl Group

Auditions for female R&B singing group, trio Location: Online, nationwide Audition / Call Type: Singers Seeking a girl singing group, 3 female R&B singers age 18-30 for a new singing group. (Must audition as a group, a trio) Payment: Non-Paid City or Location of call: Online, nationwide Please submit to: by 11/01/2023 Please email… Read More »

Singers for a New Girl Group

New Girl Group Location: Nationwide Audition / Call Type: Singers Hello girls I am Trisha me and my friends starting a new girl group of singers and rapper its our dream to be a singer and perform in front of people to show them our talent if you have same dream like us then you… Read More »