Castings and Auditions for girl group

Teen female Singers for Atlanta Girl Group

Auditions! Atlanta’s Hottest New Up and Coming R&B/POP Girl Group Location: Atlanta, GA Type: Singers AUDITIONS! Atlanta’s hottest new, up and coming, R&B/POP girl group is currently seeking two talented young ladies to complete our package! The ideal candidate must: *be able to sing, harmonize and learn choreography *be between the ages of 16-18 *be… Read More »

Girl Group Auditions in Atlanta

Music group in Atlanta Location: Atlanta, Georgia Type: Singers I am a 19 year old recording artist who would like to start a group of collective artists or music group. Let me be more clear when I say collective group: I mean a group of girls who are solo recording artists: rappers, singers, producers, etc,… Read More »

Girl Singing Group in Atlanta Georgia

Singing Group Location: Atlanta GA Type: Singers Hi my name is Ny’Asia.  I love music and I want to make a singing group like TLC, The OMG Girlz and SWV. I’m looking for girls ages 14-17 that live in Atlanta that can call in to Group meetings, please email application to also I live… Read More »