Castings and Auditions for girl group

Singer Wanted for Atlanta Girls Group

Location: Atlanta Georgia, Type: Singers Hi, name is Reia & me and my group member are currently looking for 1 more member for our group. You must live in Atlanta Georgia or in the surrounding areas. IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN ATLANTA or surrounding areas: DUNWOODY, LAWRENCEVILLE, SNELLVILLE, DORAVILLE, SANDY SPRINGS, COLLEGE PARK, DECATUR,… Read More »

Girl Group in Louisiana

Starting a Girl Group Location: Louisiana Type: Hello, I’m starting a Girls singing group this is very important to me so I’m looking for girls that are talent and that will work hard .. Not only focusing on the hard work but this should be Fun! Girl empowerment Group. Requirements: Should be able to Sing/dance… Read More »

Singers wanted in Denver CO

Singing Audition for Girl Group Location: Denver, CO Type: Singers Looking for 4-5 teenage girl singers from 16-18 to form a band with. Preferably curvy teenage girls to prove a point to society that fame isn’t always about being skinny. No dance background needed. Any audition way is granted; over email, skype, whatever. Email your… Read More »

Girl Group in Baltimore, Houston, Bay area and SC

Girls Needed for Girl Group: Ages 13-16 Location: Baltimore, MD, Houston, San Francisco, Charleston Type: Singers Online Audition Girls needed for girl group. Must be dancers/singers and overall performers and live in the Baltimore area. Please title your response the city you are responding to “Baltimore” or “Maryland”, “Houston”, “San Francisco”, “Charleston” audition, so we… Read More »

Girl Group Arkansas

Teen girl group forming in Little Rock, Auditions for teen singers to join Location: Arkansas Type: Singers I am starting a girl group in Little Rock Arkansas. Girl group singers and dancers are needed in in little rock, Arkansas. If interested please send your audition to my email and I will reply back to you.… Read More »