Castings and Auditions for girl group

Auditions for girl group | PA

GIRL GROUP AUDITIONS! Casting notice posted on, casting location: Philadelphia, PA We are holding girl group auditions for girls living in or around the Philadelphia, PA area. The music genre will be Pop/Rock and a little R&B. Must be ages 16 – 21 and willing to commit to be in this girl group. Fashion… Read More »

Auditions for Girl Group

Looking for 14-18 year old girls to Audition for Girl Group a la “Spice Girls” or “Pussycat Dolls” Casting notice posted on, casting location: Taped Audition back Nashville, Tn “In Crowd productions, LLC.” of Nashville, TN (Owners Aaron Benward and Shaun Shankel) is looking for girls ages 14 to 19 Pop/Vocal/Dance Group consisting… Read More »

Auditions for Girl Group

Girl Group Audition – Dallas, TX Casting notice posted on, casting location: United Dance Academy, 6333 E. Mockingbird Lane, #270, Dallas, TX 75214 ARE YOU READY FOR THE FLASHING LIGHTS? THE FAME? THE FORTUNE? LET’S NOT FORGET THE PAPARAZZI!!! THE HOTTEST PRODUCERS? THE HOTTEST TRACKS? A GREAT TEAM WITH MAJOR INDUSTRY CONTACTS? And let’s… Read More »