Castings and Auditions for girl group

Singers in NYC for Girl Group

Label seeks Singer/Dancer for Girl Group Location: New York, New York Audition / Call Type: Dancers Management/Record Label seeking 1 female artist (18-25) who can sing/rap (Pop, R&B, Rock preferred) and dance very well to choreography (you will be given a KPop song for the dance part of the audition) to complete an all-female International… Read More »

Singers for R&B Girl Group – Online

Audition! R&B girl singing group, a trio, needed Location: Nationwide Audition / Call Type: Singers Seeking a girl singing group, 3 female R&B singers age 18-28 for a new singing group. (Must audition as a group, a trio) Payment: non paid City or Location of call: Nationwide Please submit to: by 08/31/2023 Please email… Read More »

Singers for New Singing Group

Seeking a trio, 3 female R&B singers for new singing group Location: Nationwide Audition / Call Type: Singers Seeking a trio, 3 female R&B singers age 18-27 to form a new singing group. Payment: non paid City or Location of call: Nationwide Please submit to: by 08/19/2023 Please email a video audition and/or music… Read More »

Singers in Northers California for KPOP Girl Group

K-pop Girl Group in Northern California Location: Online/San Francisco Audition / Call Type: Singers Hello! My company is looking for 2 more girls to join our kpop group! Payment: Other City or Location of call: Online/San Francisco Please submit to: by 08/31/2023 11:30 PM Please email with this information: Name: Location: (only accepting Bay… Read More »