Castings and Auditions for girl group

Singers for Teen Girl Group

Girls group auditions Location: Nationwide Type: Singers Hi girls I’m 19 year old girl who loves singing and dancing trying to creating a pop girl’s group . I’m looking for girls age 15-19 singers, dancers and Rappers. Please singing is a must don’t just send me a video of you dancing if you can’t sing.… Read More »

Singers for a Girl Band / Girl Group in Conway, AK or Austin, Texas

19-25 Girl Group Auditions (Texas and Arkansas) Location: TEXAS AND ARKANSAS; Houston, TX; Conway, AK Type: Singers Hey! We’re Kiya and Kaitlin, and we’re looking for 1-2 girls to audition for a new group that we’re creating. We’ve both said that our main inspirations were Destiny’s Child and Pussycat Dolls, so we want the vibe… Read More »

Girl Group Singer Auditions

Girl Group audition Location: Nationwide Type: When we get the suited number I’ll create a group chat where we’re all going to discuss our plans and how we’re going to move forward together. We’ll also do self training and when we’re ready we’re going to send demo’s to record companies to make our dreams a… Read More »

Singers in Vancouver, Canada for Singing Group “Beauty Shop Dolls”

Location: Vancouver, BC Type: Singers BEAUTY SHOP DOLLS- Vintage Vocal Trio Requires: Female vocalist/dancer age 20-45 years Ongoing PAID performances (part time) Audition dates: Early June 2022 Hello Lovelies! Beauty Shop Dolls is expanding our team to create more availability for more bookings! Sing and dance your way through the 1920s/30s/40s/50s/&60s. Shared position available with… Read More »