Castings and Auditions for Hawaii

Casting Documentary in Hawaii about veterans

Filming a full length documentary film on the evolution of the U.S. military and memorial tattoo and how Wounded Warriors use them to recover from battlefield scars. There will be several historical and military reenactments. Casting for: Vietnam War Soldiers LT Walters -(early 20’s; male; slender, youthful look; unsure of himself) Sergeant Davis – (30’s;… Read More »

Casting Family for TV Show Pilot

Production company is casting for the pilot “Rise Up”. Casting a family in Hawaii who have children with special needs. Turtlefoot Productions is currently seeking a family to cast in the pilot episode of a NEW TELEVISION SHOW, “RISE UP! A Healing Design Project For Children with Special Needs”! RISE UP! Seeks to utilize media… Read More »

Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean Open Call TODAY!

There is an open call for the 4th installment of Disney’s “Pirates of the Caribbean” film series going on today in Hawaii. Casting directors are seeking many background actors, photo doubles and stand ins to play pirates and sailors in the new movie. There will also be another open call for extras and background for… Read More »

“Pirates of the Caribbean” Open Casting Call

Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean #4 will be holding open casting calls this weekend for the next installment of the hit movie. They are casting for multiple background roles, pirates and sailors. Individuals who live in Hawaii are welcome to attend the open call if they want to be a part of the Pirates production.… Read More »

Casting Student Film Hawaii

I am an ACM Student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and I am currently casting for my short film “Destination Selected”. It is the comedy about a young radio personality who falls in love with the voice on his GPS and the relationship he develops with her. The parts I will be auditioning… Read More »

Casting Background for Fox Searchlight Picture “The Descendants”

Now hiring Background Actors for the new Fox Searchlight Picture “The Descendants” starring George Clooney. Casting Director, John Jackson is seeking background actors in Hawaii for the film “The Descendants” Filming has already started last Monday but the film will be shooting over several months. Seeking men and women of all ethnicities and all ages… Read More »