Castings and Auditions for hollywood

Hollywood Film Festival Holding Auditions

Invincible Summer Location: Los Angeles, CA Type: Theater Wanna come play? It’s Hollywood Fringe Festival 2019 time. We are looking for adventurous, upbeat and open-minded/hearted performers of every kind for an exciting, challenging and uplifting devised theatre project slated for 6 live shows at the 2019 Hollywood Fringe Festival. Join our creative, supportive and non-judgmental… Read More »

Hollywood Theater Auditions

Portrait of a Soul Location: Hollywood Type: Theater We’re casting a new play directed by Gloria Iseli. Character breakdown: Female, 35-45, thin, married to a doctor. She’s a tormented soul with a Audrey Hepburn demeanor. Male, 35-48, artist (painter). He spent years in prison for a crime he committed when he was young. In jail… Read More »

Hollywood / L.A. Casting Call for Comedy Web Series

Comedic web series focused on cannabis! Location: Los Angeles, California Type: Web series Casting comedians for new cannabis based web series shooting in Los Angeles! – Male. – Ages 21-30. – Good at improv. – Not scared to touch any topic. Casting is at 6250 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90028 10/21/2018 11AM-4PM PLEASE EMAIL ANDREWVINCASTING@GMAIL.COM… Read More »

Actors in Hollywood Florida for TV Pilot Lead & Speaking Roles

Broken: Into Pieces Location: Hollywood, Florida Type: TV Pilots Casting leading and ensemble roles as well as behind the scenes and background characters. The show is about: Evelyn Stone is an average high school poplar girl. She has tons of friends, a good-looking boyfriend, and hosts tons of parties. But when she disappears the town… Read More »

Open Casting Call in Ft. Lauderdale, FL for “A Not So Classic Christmas Carol”

A Not So Classic Christmas Carol Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL Type: Theater Open Casting Call for multiple male and female roles. Lyric Lane Productions will be hosting open auditions for their upcoming holiday stage play, “A Not So Classic Christmas Carol.”  The open call will be held at the African Research Library and Cultural Center… Read More »

Stage Play Auditions for Major Roles in Hollywood California

Stage Play Location: Hollywood California Type: Theater LEROY JENKINS AFRICAN AMERICAN MALE SLENDER BUILT Height:5’ 11 AGE:36-42 Rough look To play abusive drug addicted boyfriend (Sing a plus) JEAN CHATMAN AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALE Medium-plus build AGE:35 -42 Wholesome look To play a God fearing domestically abused victim PASTOR MCGREW AFRICAN AMERICAN MALE MED-LARGE BUILD AGE:40ish… Read More »

Dog Auditions in Los Angeles for Digital / Social Media Commercial

Pet Product Digital Content Series Location: Los Angeles / Hollywood Hills Type: Other Projects We’re casting 4 mid to full size dogs for a series of digital content commercial spots for a dog product. The shoot is this Friday in the Hollywood Hills. The dogs don’t need to be movie trained but do need to… Read More »