Castings and Auditions for hollywood

Casting L.A. Area Actors for Indie Film in Hollywood / Los Angeles

The Turn Around Location: Hollywood, Ca Type: Film Casting for 2 male actors ages 28- 38 years, fit, height: 5’9–6’2″ tall and 2 female ages 22-30 years, beautiful, slender, height: 5’4″– 5’7″ for the movie ” Turn Around”. Betty, an educated and successful single women, going through heartbreak after a man she thought was the… Read More »

New Docu-Series Casting People Who Have Family Heirloom Jewelry They Want Background On – L.A. Area

Beverly Hills / LA High Society JEWELRY LOVERS: Do You Want the and Story of Your Beloved Jewels? Location: Hollywood, CA Type: Docu-series DO YOU OWN BEAUTIFUL VALUABLE JEWELRY, FAMILY HEIRLOOMS, pieces you LOVE and hold near and dear? Well… do you want your mind blown about their true story… their insane back stories,… Read More »

Auditions in Hollywood, CA for Lead Roles in “Chatter”

CHATTER Location: Hollywood, CA Type: Theater Wednesday, March 15th, 2017 Audition Dates: TBD April CHATTER Rehearsals: TBD April, May Theater Preview + Opening Dates: TBD June Union status: NON-UNION Rate of pay: $400 Venue: The Asylum Uptown Location: Hollywood, North Hollywood This is a production that won one of 10 scholarships from this year’s Hollywood… Read More »

Auditions for Multiple Speaking Movie Roles in Los Angeles (Hollywood)

Auditions For Several Roles For Upcoming Horror/Crime/Docudrama/Thriller Feature “A Charming Killer” Location: California Type: Film Rose Mikaelson Productions In Association With Mikaelson Studios And Horror Productions Is Producing, Distributing, And Releasing An Upcoming Horror/Crime/Docudrama/Thriller Feature Film Called “A Charming Killer”. Storyline: Taking place from the 1940’s to the 1980’s, Theodore Robert Bundy, known as Ted… Read More »

Auditions in L.A., Singers, Dancers and Musicians for “Nu Skool Sings Old School” Touring Show

West Coast Tour Location: Los Angeles Type: Variety acts We are currently seeking young singers, musicians and dancers for our upcoming West Coast Tour through California, Washington & Oregon. We hae a “One Night Only” show in Las Vegas as well. Our show is a live musical showcase featuring young artists who pay tribute to… Read More »

Volunteer Hipster Extras for Music Video Shoot in Hollywood

Hipster Party Go-ers needed for Fun Music Video Shoot in Hollywood Location: Los Angeles, CA Type: Music Video Sujata Day (HBO’s Insecure, Awkward Black Girl) and Will Collyer (The Middle) are shooting their second music video “Parts” on Saturday, November 19 at a fabulous house in the Hollywood Hills. We need some hipster party-goers for… Read More »