Castings and Auditions for latina auditions

Dallas Texas TV Commercial – Paid

Latina healthcare b-roll shoot Location: Dallas Type: TV Commercial This is a health clinic shoot. We’re shooting B-roll to run alongside the spokesperson in local TV spots. There’s no talking or acting so an extensive resume is not necessary. You’ll be playing a patient going through the clinic. I don’t want to see any tattoos… Read More »

Latinas Wanted: NYC Casting Call for New Reality Show

Latinas Wanted: NYC Casting Call for New Reality Show Casting notice posted on, casting location: New York City The Ms. Latina International Pageant Organization is holding its NYC Pre-Casting of its nationally televised new reality show on, 6/11/11 at 9:00AM EDT, at Crowne Plaza LaGuardia Hotel, for all interested aspiring young Latinas. The Casting… Read More »

Spanish Language Television

Los Angeles Auditions for Spanish TV Host / news anchor Los Angeles area Spanish language TV show is Seeking spanish speaking on air anchors. 2 Spanish Speaking Female On-Air Anchors Media Production Company is looking for 2 very attractive female on-air anchors to deliver news-type show with production in Los Angeles. PERFECT SPANISH is required,… Read More »


TV SHOW IN MAJOR SPANISH NETWORK LOOKING FOR DANCERS If you can dance…or you have been trained to dance, now is your opportunity to demonstrate your talent! Do you have what it takes to be a competitive dancer? We?re looking for dancers between the ages of 18 and 35. Who can dance all types of… Read More »