Castings and Auditions for latina model

Latinas Wanted: NYC Casting Call for New Reality Show

Latinas Wanted: NYC Casting Call for New Reality Show Casting notice posted on, casting location: New York City The Ms. Latina International Pageant Organization is holding its NYC Pre-Casting of its nationally televised new reality show on, 6/11/11 at 9:00AM EDT, at Crowne Plaza LaGuardia Hotel, for all interested aspiring young Latinas. The Casting… Read More »

MTV’s TR3’s seeks bilingual female host

Casting Call Latinas for MTV Spanish / English on-air show – Los Angeles Auditions MTV’s Spanish/English network, MTV Tr3s, are looking for bilingual females, 20-30 who are fluent in both Spanish and English as their new On-Air talent. You’ll be able to carry a magazine style show. We’re looking for local talent in LA with… Read More »