Castings and Auditions for Los Angeles

Los Angeles TV Pilot

Living It Up Location: los angeles Type: TV Pilots I am currently looking for extras to be in photo shoot, restaurant, club and office scenes. Please dress and act the part to give each scene the atmosphere it needs. -Shoot days are May, 18th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th – On May 24th we will be… Read More »

TV Commercial Auditions in Los Angeles for a New Product

Man-on-the-street commercial for award winning tech/gadget Location: los angeles Type: TV Commercial We are casting on behalf of an award-winning gadget to do a series of web/YouTube/Instagram videos for a new product launch. Spots will be filmed in late April, early May and be released in June. These are man-on-the-street style videos. Comedy and improv… Read More »

Casting for TV Comedic Pilot in L.A. – Lead and Supporting Roles

CROWD SCRIPTERS – NEW Comedy TV/Web Series! Location: Los Angeles, CA Type: TV Pilots A comedy series with a twist on storytelling – this revolutionary concept will have you in stitches, just not literally. Each episode is a compilation of stories from strangers who decide to contribute. It’s a crowd sourced tale that is then… Read More »

GoGo Dancers for Paid Weekly Shows – Inland Empire, CA (L.A. Area)

Gogo Dancers Needed Location: Inland Empire, Ca Type: General Performers Looking for Gogo Dancers to accompany Dj on weekly shows. No experience necessary but will affect pay. Requirements: Creative ability to express one’s self through music (e.g., a sense of rhythm and style). Incredible energy and ability to create a certain atmosphere while entertaining a… Read More »

Voice Actors in L.A. for “Bus 73”

“Bus 73” Location: Los Angeles CA Type: Other Projects CASTING FOR VOICE OVER ACTORS VO ACTORS NEEDED: Casting for:   Man on the Bus…..Euro/British Man. Adult mid-late 20’s – early 40’s The number for inquiries or to “register” for audition: (626) 486-2460 Send any audio clips, Head Shots, acting/VO Resumes to: Please use Subject Heading:… Read More »