Castings and Auditions for Los Angeles

Actors in Los Angeles for Film Trailer

All That Glistens Location: LA County Type: Other Projects Shooting a trailer for my limited series ALL THAT GLISTENS. “Meena Pital” – Indian Female early 20s college student.. Fiery personality. Political activist. “Elias Gold” aka “The Baby Billionaire” – White male 20s, thick curly blonde hair. Great Adonis looks but a strong touch of sinister… Read More »

Casting Families in Los Angeles for Model for a Paid Photo Shoot

Casting Families for Lifestyle photo shoot for social and digital marketing use Location: Los Angeles, CA Type: Modeling We’re casting models for an upcoming photo/video shoot. This is a non-union shoot for social & digital marketing uses. We’re looking for families of all ethnicities to model as new suburban family / first time home buyers.… Read More »

Auditions in Los Angeles for Movie By Director Joel Juárez “I Love You”

I Love You Location: Los Angeles, CA Type: Film Award winning director Joel Juárez is creating his 2023 director’s reel with a sizzle for “I Love You” a 90 minute psychological thriller. PAID. Day Rate: 225.00 Logline: After newcomer professor Mia Sadako confesses her love for Aminah, she commits to ending the emotional nightmare… Read More »

Homeowners Whose DIY Project Now Needs Help in Los Angels / Orange

A homeshow is now casting homeowners in the Los Angeles and Orange county areas who started a renovation they now wish they didn’t. If you began a DIY project in your home and are now completely frustrated and looking for help, the show may be able to help with the interior design…however, the project is… Read More »

Jonas Brothers Show “Claim To Fame” Casting Relatives of Celebrities in Los Angeles

Casting Call for Game Show “Claim To Fame.” The executive producers of the shows “Love is Blind” and “The Ultimatum” are now casting for a new show called “Claim To Fame.” The show will be highlighting, what they describe as the biggest names you have never heard of.  That’s right, the show is about people… Read More »