Castings and Auditions for Milwaukee

Milwaukee teen singer wanted

Hispanic Singer Where: Milwaukee This casting notice was posted on Type: Hey ladies, I’m looking for a girl 15-20 who would like to be in a singing group. I would prefer her to be hispanic, happy, fun, and 4’9 or shorter. If you are someone who fits this category or know someone who does… Read More »

Teen Singers Wanted Milwaukee

Looking for Four Teenage Girls Where: Milwaukee This casting notice was posted on Type: Hi my name is Joyce Ann I’m 17 from Milwaukee and I’m looking to start a singing group with open minded, fun girls… you don’t need to know how to sing, just have the passion to make it far in… Read More »

Teen Singers wanted Milwaukee

Starting an All Girl Singing Group Where: Milwaukee This casting notice was posted on Type: I know there are some girls in Milwaukee who are looking to be in a girl group so here it is… I’m a 17 year old girl starting an rnb/pop group. I’m looking for diversity in the group and…… Read More »

Extras wanted in Milwaukee

Posted by the Exec. Producer Where: Milwaukee, WI This casting notice was posted on Type: Extras small group of background needed for local commercial spot in Wisconsin. Payment: Paid City or Location of call: Milwaukee, WI Please submit to:

2013 girl group being formed

Auditions for Singers This notice was posted on location: Milwaukee or near Category: Singers Auditons for a girl group will have to know how to dance and sing.. If you can’t sing please know how to do choreography.. Please live in Wisconsin or close by will practice EVERY week. MUST HAVE TIME FOR THE… Read More »

All Teen Girl Singing Group

This notice was posted on location: Milwaukee, WI Category: Singers I’m looking to form a OMG Girlz-styled singing group. My name is Joyce Ann and I’m looking for three other girls ages 15-17 who want to form a singing group. It would be an rnb/pop sounding group, and we’d have to find places to… Read More »

Milwaukee Theatre Auditions

Theatre audition posted by the Director of Production Casting notice posted on, casting location: Milwaukee Nebraska Shakespeare will hold auditions for the professional company of artists to perform in its 2012 season of Shakespeare on the Green: Julius Caesar and The Comedy of Errors Residency Dates: May 21-July 8 Performance Dates: June 21 –… Read More »

Milwaukee Auditions – Theatre

Casting notice posted on, casting location: MILWAUKEE, WI AUDITION NOTICE FOR NORMAN, IS THAT YOU? & Various Upcoming Productions Comedies, Musicals, Farces CAST DESCRIPTIONS NORMAN IS THAT YOU? 3m; 2f Norman Chambers, A gay window dresser, 20s-30s Garson Hobart, Norman’s lover, 20s-30s Ben Chambers, Norman’s father. A dry cleaner, late 40s-50s Mary, A prostitute,… Read More »