Castings and Auditions for MTV tryouts

MTV casting audience for “Teen Mom” Special with Dr. Drew | NYC

“Teen Mom Finale Special: Check-Up with Dr. Drew” brings together the four faces of Teen Mom — Farrah, Maci, Amber and Catelynn — for an issue-driven, host-moderated forum their fans have been waiting for. This one-day event will be hosted by Dr. Drew, who has worked with them in two previous finales. In this show… Read More »

MTV seeking pregnant teens UK

UK Casting Call for MTV documentary Casting notice posted on, casting location: UK MTV is looking for pregnant teens… Are you pregnant and considering an abortion? MTV is looking for people to share their experiences in a documentary about choices available to pregnant young women. This will be a sympathetic and honest programme about… Read More »

MTV Casting Families that own or run restaurants

MTV Tryouts Is your family in the restaurant business? Do you and your siblings help your family in the restaurant? Does your entire family participate from the cooking, to the cleaning, to the books and everything in between? If this sounds like you…. MTV may be interested in casting you and your family for a… Read More »

MTV Auditions for People preparing to audition

MTV is searching the nation for outgoing, upbeat individuals who appear to be between the ages of 16 -24, that are preparing for a dream audition. We are looking for all sorts of talent especially in (but not limited to) singing, dancing, acting, music and modeling. Whether you’ve been practicing all your life to audition… Read More »

MTV True Life “Cyber Bully” and “Cyber War”

MTV Casting / Tryouts Casting for MTV’s True Life series information. MTV is seeking teens and young adults for three episodes of True Life that deal with a “cyber” issue. The episodes are “I am a Cyberbully”, “Cyber War” and “Peaole think I am a Cyber Bully”. The descriptions of the 3 castings along with… Read More »

MTV Real World Open Casting Call | New York

Ever wanted to appear on MTV’s Real World? Well this may be your chance! MTV Real World is coming to New York and will be holding open auditions to find the next MTV Real World star. MTV is casting for season 25 and is looking for roommates. MTV’s hit show THE REAL WORLD is looking… Read More »