Castings and Auditions for New York 2

Teen model open call, Seventeen Magazine model tryouts NY

Teen model tryouts for Seventeen Magazine “Real Girl” Have you ever picked up a copy of Seventeen mag and thought… I could do that. Well, now you may have a chance. Seventeen magazine will be holding model auditions for “real girls”, every Friday beginning 8/20/2010. They are seeking teen looking girls, 14 to 21. You… Read More »

Casting Asian Fem Actors For TV Series Pilot | NYC

Asian Fem Actors For TV Series Pilot Casting notice posted on, casting location: NYC Shooting the hour-long series pilot “Jaded” on speck for the CW network & it’s set in the burgeoning Japantown/Koreatown/Chinatown scene about a quartet of hip Female Asian characters making it in NYC. There trials & tribulations are explored in there… Read More »

Twins Casting NY

Casting call for identical twins of any age kids and adults – New York Grant Wilfrey casts many features and TV shows. They are located in the New York area and are now seeking twins for upcoming projects. Grant Wilfley Casting is seeking identical twins, infants to adults of all ages and ethnicities, for various… Read More »

New York Open Call

OPEN CALL Casting notice posted on, casting location: 308 West 133rd Street 2nd fl. Harlem, New York (off of St. Nick) Date: Friday, July 16, 2010 Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm Location: 308 West 133rd Street 2nd fl. Harlem, New York (off of St. Nick) Description This is an exciting opportunity for serious and aspiring… Read More »