Castings and Auditions for orange county

Casting Call for New Reality Baking Show in SoCal

NOW CASTING A NEW CHRISTMAS COMPETITION BAKING SHOW FOR THE HALLMARK CHANNEL IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Do your friends and family tell you your Christmas cookies are the very BEST? Are people always asking you for your cookie recipes? Are you confident in your creative abilities in the kitchen? If you have a talent for baking… Read More »

New Makeover Show Casting Small Business Owners in SoCal for “Werrrk”

WERRRK! Seeking Small Businesses in LA for Queer Eye Style Makeover Location: Los Angeles, CA Type: Reality TV The creators and exec producers of “Queer Eye” have a brand new makeover show and are seeking small businesses that need HELP in SoCal area. -Do you need solutions to make your business thrive? -Is your company… Read More »

Casting Plus Size Models / Actors – Music Video in Orange County, CA

Plus Size Female and Male Models/Actors Needed for Orange County Music Video Location: Orange County Type: Music Video BeatStreet Connection is casting for a new music video project. We’re looking for male and female plus size models and actors. Ages 18 – 45 welcome. This music video will reflect plus size characters in a very… Read More »

Stanbridge University in Irvine, CA Casting For Paid Acting Job

Models and Actors Needed for University Overview Film Location: Orange County, CA Type: Modeling Stanbridge University in Irvine, CA is currently producing a film about everything our campus has to offer. We are in need of diverse models and actors in the 18-35 age range to portray students. Pay is $20/hour. Please submit a headshot… Read More »