Castings and Auditions for orange county

Orange County California Theater Auditions for “The Great American Trailer Park Musical “

The Great American Trailer Park Musical – in Orange County! Location: Orange County, CA Type: Theater Ovations Performing Arts is holding auditions for the “The Great American Trailer Park Musical” at its location: 27762 Forbes Rd, St 6 (First Floor) Laguna Niguel October 10th and 11th 7pm Please prepare a one min pop, rock or… Read More »

Reality Show Competition Casting Church Choirs in SoCal

Auditions for church choirs in SoCal! Are you part of a talented church choir who knows how to bring it? Here is an opportunity to showcase your church’s talent and possibly even get some cash for your church. The producers of Welcome to Sweetie Pie’s are now casting a live showcase for a new competition… Read More »

Models, Actors & Dancers for Music Video Production in Orange County

Orange County Actress/Model for Music Video Shoot Location: Orange County, CA Type: Music Video BeatStreet Connection is an Orange County production company looking to cast male and female models, actors, and dancers for various upcoming music videos. Ages 18-45 are welcome. Most of the casting is for assorted roles – concert goers, back up dancers,… Read More »